How the Qur’an brought me to Islam

Jamal Zarabozo


Shaykh Jamal Zarabozo discusses his fascination over the Qur’an and how it brought him to accept Islam.

All lectures by Jamal Zarabozo

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One Response to “ Jamal Zarabozo – How the Qur’an brought me to Islam ”

  1. Hewa says:

    The authors has no knowledge of history. Islam was launched as am imperialistic enterprise based on plundering of decaying empires and the revival of slave trade. Romans and Persians were in a dire state after the pest and bad crops that affected much wetter Europe, Anatolia and Persia but did not affect the drier lands in the South. Demographics played a good part in Islam’s early success.
    The Quran shows how Muhammed was an expert at blaming his followers for the battles he lost, how he was mild on slavery, how he ransacked villages, promoted religious hate, treated women as inferior, and changed his attitude and became more and more intolerant when he achieved political power. He condemned a pregnant woman that composed mocking poetry to dead. He persecuted Jews. He distributed the women and children of defeated armies among his soldiers as sex slaves, keeping some for himself. That is not the attitude of a saint but the one of a dictator.
    In terms of theory, it is just a bad mix of old Assyrian codes and Jewish rules and represents a last wave of male supremacy on a land in which women used to have more power. The province the Romans called Arabia Felix, or the Happy Arabian land, became a platform for piracy. Its scientific knowledge was pale compared to the Hellenistic rule on Egypt or ancient Persia. Its maths were developed by Indian and Persian masters. Its economy was copied from Roman Greeks. Its architecture was also copied. Mosaics were adopted from Byzantium. Astronomy from Persia. The alleged prophecies of the Quran are too vague and allow any sort of interpretation. Furthermore, the length of the Quran was not the same in different parts of the early Muslim territories, indicating a manipulation. If you change the order of the suras, the Quran could promote different ideas.
    The expansion of Islam was not peaceful but very often violent. Muslim rulers imposed Islam on the conquered people and treat all non-Muslims and women as second class people. They have done anything at all to eradicate barbaric traditions such as female genital mutilation in Africa. On the contrary, they adopted the tradition and took it as far as Indonesia, where people previously had some respect for women’s freedom.
    Islam established slave markets and razzias in Black Africa. Whereas native Americans preferred dead before slavery, Black people was taken to America as slaves sold by their own people. At the time of the Europeans started the colonisation of America, the main slave markets had been ran by Muslim Africans for centuries.
    Spanish priests considered that native Americans should be treated in a Christian way because they valued their freedom and that of their children, unlike Black people that sold their own children as slaves. They also rejected Islam because of its endorsement of polygamy. Marriage for the Christians is a bond between a man and a woman, not a contract in which a male master can have slave-wives he can divorce. Roman family law distributed the goods equally among children, no matter if they were male or female, although women were banned from political rights as much as in Muslim lands centuries later.
    At that time, Christian kingdoms were more often ruled by women than Muslim ones. That explains the lack of any equivalent of Catherine the Great, Isabel of Castile, Elisabeth Tudor, Maria Therese of Austria or any other great queen in Muslim lands.

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